Thursday, September 20, 2007

The beginning...

As a writer, I'm always amazed at what you discover in the dark. You start with a blank sheet of paper which for some is threatening - and for me its completely one of the most awe inspiring things in the world - and then you start filling it up with words and ideas and bits of prose that don't quite gel together until you lay awake at night and start worrying yourself to death about the details, like " What in the hell was he thinking when he ...?" ( fill in the blank here), or "At what moment did she become so desperate that she was willing to...". I love to take one of those "WTF?" moments out the newspaper when I'm on the train or watching the ten o'clock news or listening to a friends story, where someone did the unthinkable, and then create a psycho-analyitical map or potential profile of the person and their unique experiences that lead them to that point of "impossibility". My theory is that we're all capable of going past our limits under the right circumstances, but what makes others cross onto the other side is of greatest interest to me. Our moments of triumph are as compelling as our moments of defeat in my book. And, all things being equal, I wonder if I could still be the goody toe shoes and confidently say if I was 'walking on their side of the street' that "No, no officer/pastor/mom/sister/friend that wouldn't be me! I'm above and beyond that!" No matter how incredulous their life stories have become.

Interestingly enough, its that sort of curiosity that drew me to this story; the core and oddly true story about a desperate and naive young woman who reunites with an seemingly innocent small town kid, who has now become a killer and then aspires to spend the rest of her life with him. Asking myself what their love or 'appearance thereof' says about our society, and his relationship with his mentor (a sordid father figure that I can only coin 'Mr. Mysterious') and then continuing to ponder how to best bring that dark story from an odd dream into a tangible series of characters and questions has proven to be quite a journey. Inspiration or not, it was no easy undertaking and the journey continues throughout the beginning of our collaboration with some of the best and brightest minds in this industry.

Upon receiving financing for the film I remained in awe at that meeting, where all I could do is watch her lips move as she said the three most fantastic words that a writer-director could ever want to hear "we-love-it!" She then followed that with the most important three words that a producer needs to hear "lets-do-it!" I think I held my breath confused for a minute because they showed that rare substance in this industry called "passion" and in my usual form, I studied every detail and facial expression closely to make sure that I wasn't just front row at a great performance? LOL! Everything sort of faded into the background after that...

I left the hotel being thankful that in the midst of the mayhem ( at the AFM) that all of those 4am revisions had been worth it. Trying to create people that you could touch, breathe, feel, relate to, care about, question and maybe see yourself in their shoes was now more than just a great idea, it was and is finally on its way to being a great motion picture - and I remain thankful!